Our NANN chapter collected toys and donated gifts this holiday season to the children served by Kristi House in Miami. The Kristi House helps treat and prevent childhood trauma, sexual abuse, and trafficking. Their services connect and support families and children in our community. Learn more at Kristihouse.org
The Kristi House wish list for the kids is here for you to check out. They accept donations throughout the year. Go to Kristihouse.org
Our SEFANN Christmas Partygoers brought their unwrapped toys to the luncheon at Bahama Breeze Restaurant in Kendall.
On December 14, Derek delivered our toys to the kids at Kristi House. He met up with their rep, Ashley who welcomed all the gifts and donations and snapped this picture of Derek for us!
Ashley sent thanks to SEFANN from Kristi House.
SEFANN has been active in our community through our fundraising for the March of Dimes, Autism Speaks, the American Red Cross and the local Chapman Partnership for the homeless.
Volunteer opportunities abound in South Florida.
Through a 2024 initiative we plan to post events and opportunities that are happening in our area for SEFANN members and others who want
to volunteer in our community.
SEFANN does fundraising for Autism Speaks, March of Dimes and
Chapman Partnership for the Homeless. Ask for details on how to volunteer.
HIstoric Picture of SEFANN's March of Dimes Rest-stop at Crandon Park
Opportunities abound! If you would like to help, possibly in a limited capacity with a single project or with one event, contact one of our SEFANN officers or email us at Rnssefann@gmail.com.
A Website for South Florida's Neonatal Nurses