Southeast Florida Association of Neonatal Nurses SEFANN
Southeast Florida Association of Neonatal NursesSEFANN

Goals and By-Laws

The purpose of this Association is:

1. To promote the highest standards of neonatal nursing practice and education.

2. To assist the neonatal nurse in advancing professional development and economic welfare.

Our goals are to:

1. Facilitate an exchange of information between nurses in the neonatal field;

2. Make available to its members a forum for continuing education; and

3. To establish a communication network among nurses working in the neonatal field.

Membership in the Association is a privilege and is contingent on concurrent membership in the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF NEONATAL NURSES ("NANN").

SEFANN began as an idea in a few dedicated NICU nurses who attended the National Association ot Neonatal Nurses conference in Orlando in 1993. We held our first planning meeting after returning to Miami, & had out first official meeting in January of 1994. Our official charter was granted at the National Meeting the following year.

Since SEFANN has shown itself to be an award winning association. We have been awarded chapter of the year as well as several individual chapter awards. Additionally, several of our members have earned the SIG leadership award & Robyn Main Excellence in Bedside Nursing awards given by NANN every year. One of our members has even been recognized by NANN for her significant contribution to neonatal nursing. But each chapter is only as good as it’s members, & we want you.

In addition to the excellent opportunities to network with your peers at our bimonthly meetings, SEFANN offers one hour of continuing education at each of these meetings. Annually we sponsor a 2-day seminar which is extremely discounted to our members.

Community involvement

We are also actively involved in our community, serving as a supporter for all the March of Dimes events in our community. You will have many opportunities for professional growth & personal development.


As if this were not enough, SEFANN offers three scholarships for it’s active members in the amount of $300.00 each year.

Isn’t it time that you got involved in your profession? Remember, the National Association of Neonatal Nurses is the only professional organization for & about neonatal nurses!




                                                                                                Updated 5/21/2023


South East Florida Association of

         Neonatal Nurses - Chapter Bylaws

          Article I


The name of this organization shall be the South East Florida Association of Neonatal Nurses, (SEFANN), also known as the National Association of Neonatal Nurses, South East Florida Chapter.


         Article II


The purpose of this Association shall be:

1.         To promote the highest standards of neonatal nursing practice and education.

2.         To assist the neonatal nurse in advancing professional development and economic welfare.


       Article III


1.         Facilitate an exchange of information between nurses in the neonatal field;

2.         Make available to its members a forum for continuing education; and

3.         To establish a communication and collaborative network among nurses working in the neonatal field.


        Article IV


Section I.   Membership in the Association is a privilege and is contingent on concurrent membership in the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF NEONATAL NURSES ("NANN").


Section II.  The membership of this Association shall not be limited by numbers.


Section III.  Membership shall consist of active members as set forth by NANN bylaws.


Section IV.  A person shall be declared a member upon payment of local and national dues.


Section V.  Dues shall be determined by a majority vote of members. Dues MAY NOT exceed national dues.  Active membership ($30) dues shall be collected annually by NANN and records of the membership will be maintained by NANN.


         Article V


Section I. The officers of the Association shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Collectively these officers are referred to as the Executive Committee.


Section II. The officers shall be elected by a majority of votes cast by written or electronic ballot, to serve for a term of (3) calendar years.  All officers shall take office on January 1st immediately following their election. During their term in office, each officer will be given one year membership to the National Association of Neonatal Nurses, for each year in office completed, beginning in 2005.


Section III.  The duties of the officers are as follows:

a. The President shall preside at any official meeting of the Association and coordinate the work of the officers to ensure that the objectives and policies of the Association are maintained and promoted.

b. The Vice President shall preside at meetings in the absence of the President and coordinate the educational activities of the Association.

c. The Secretary shall record the minutes of business meetings, conduct official correspondence of the Association, and be responsible for keeping Bylaws and membership records. Maintain website and facilitate virtual meetings.

d. The Treasurer shall collect and disburse Association funds and present a statement of financial condition at each general business meeting.  The treasurer will also be responsible for filing of taxes and associated documents.


Section IV. Executive Committee and Board will meet as determined necessary by committee and board.    Meeting time and place shall be arranged by the President.


Section V. In the event of a resignation or vacancy of an office, an election by the membership present at the next business meeting shall be held to fill the office for the remainder of the term.




 Article VI

        Board of Directors

Section I. Composition.

   The Board of Directors shall be composed of one member of each active standing committee, who shall be elected every three (3) years.  The committees currently active are: community service, membership, programming, advocacy, fund-raising and research/ practice.  Committee activity will be moderated by the Association.  An annual report or summary of the year's activities will be submitted by the committee.  Upon completion of their term, board members will be given a one-year membership to NANN/SEFANN for each year of service to SEFANN beginning in 2003.


Section II.  The Board of Directors will report the activities of their committee, and will help advise the elected officials in decision making.


Section III. Members of the Board of Directors will be elected by the members every three (3) years.  In the event the elected official is unable to complete their term of office, a new representative will be elected by the members present at the following monthly meeting.


Section IV.  Special meetings can be requested by the elected officials or by a majority of the council members.


      Article VII

   Membership Meetings

Section I. The regular meetings of the Association shall be held every other month.  In person meetings will be held at least 3 times each year with alternating with online meetings at least 3 times each year. Meeting time and place shall be arranged by the Vice President.


Section II.  A quorum shall consist of all active members present at the meeting.


Section III. Each active member shall be entitled to one vote on matters properly placed before the membership.


     Article VIII

  Amendments to the Bylaws

Section I. The Bylaws shall be reviewed bi-annually.


Section II. The Bylaws may be amended at any regular business meeting of the Association by a favorable vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present.


   Article IX

Rules and Parliamentary Authority

The rules governing the Association shall be decided upon by a simple majority of members present at any regular business meeting.  The rules contained in the most current edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary authority.

Expenditures of SEFANN treasury funds in any amount over $500.00 shall be approved by ¾ of the executive committee.


    Article X


Adopted at a meeting of the South East Florida Association of Neonatal Nurses on May 21, 2023

Future Short-Term Objectives

1.         Provide continuing education for members - minimum of three (3) hours/year.

2.         Maintain membership.

3.         Conduct a 1-2 day seminar.

4.         Provide scholarship/ research grants for local members.

5.         Promote and participate in neonatal nursing advocacy.


A Website for South Florida's Neonatal Nurses

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PO Box 163535

Miami, FL 33116



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